24th International Festival of « Roman Noir » in Frontignan la Peyrade

24th International Festival of « Roman Noir » in Frontignan la Peyrade

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Twenty-fourth International Festival for Roman Noir / FIRN- Frontignan. From the 10th to 12thSeptember 2021
The Town and the Countryside … the geography of the Roman Noir
After a 2020 edition made up of promenades on the Web and around the Thau lagoon, the FIRN returns to Frontignan and further afield (Sète, Montpellier, Mèze, Balaruc-les-Bains and Marseillan) in a new configuration to evoke its next annual theme “The town and the countryside”.
 A total of forty-five authors have been invited, fourteen for events taking place during the curent year and thirty-one for this years’ FIRN Festival event, planned from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th September 2021. This year’s theme, is the particular geography of the “Noir Novel”; such as the dark side of mega-cities, city urban outskirts or the oddities of the countryside, during round tables and discussions. These events shall all take place outdoors in the courtyard of the Maurice-Clavel vocational college, a second chance school on the edge of the Rhône to Sète canal which crosses the heart of the City ​​of Frontignan.
We have Jax Miller coming from the United States,  an author unanimously acclaimed for “ Freedom’s child  ” and “Candyland”, who returns with a very dark true crime story, “Hell in the heartland”. This is an investigation into the disappearance of two teenage girls against a background of Meth trafficking, of police corruption and a three-year personal quest in the Midwest.
Likewise the American William Boyle, a new grate voice of the Noir Novel, who continues, with “City of Margins”, his desperate and deeply human chronicle of his neighborhood of Gravesend, in South Brooklyn, New York City.
 The prince of dark irony, the Scotsman Iain Levison, will share his keen perception of the human soul and of ordinary people in his last book “Parallax”.  While the Irishman James Delargy, author of the bestseller “55”, will keep us in suspense with the thriller “Vanished”, the disappearance of a family in a disused mine in the Australian desert.The Englishman Parker Bilal will lead us in “The Divinities” in the footsteps of his new investigators Drake and Crane in a London ravaged by property development.  There is the master of the French Noir Novel, Hervé Le Corre, who continues in “Traverser la nuit” to play with the codes of the genre (the serial killer, the rain, the city, the night) to make them universal odes.
Since the FIRN continues to mix genres, the great Jean-Christophe Chauzy will send us to hell with the 5th volume of his dystopian comic series, “Le reste du monde”.
Furthermore under this theme, the FIRN will receive a first appearance in Noir Novel by Science Fiction authors Catherine Dufour and Laurent Queyssi.
The FIRN will also continue its pioneering work by inviting eight debut novelists and comic book authors, Lilian Coquillaud, Thomas Verhille, Carine Joaquim, Yann Lespoux, Caroline Hinault, Astrid Monet, Romy Haussman and Adam Trotter.
Literary promenades onshore or on water, for adults and children, promenades on foot or on motorbikes, interactive exhibitions, film and musical evening events, sea mussel dinner party “brasucades”, dry Muscat …  All the geographies of the Roman Noir will not be discussed, but all its colours will be there, those which give humans food for thought and help them to think about the world and to find their place within.

Jean-Christophe Chauzy – Jax Miller – Iain Levison – William Boyle – Hervé Le Corre – James Delargy – Parker Bilal
The authors invited to the event – 10/11/12 September 2021.
Charles Aubert (F) – Vert samba – Slatkine & Cie / Parker Bilal (UK) –
The Divinities – Gallimard/Série Noire / Jérémy Bouquin (F) – Moktar – Cairn / William Boyle (USA) – City of margins – Gallmeister / Jean-Christophe Chauzy (F) – Le reste du monde T4 Les enfers – Casterman / Lilian Coquillaud (F) – Battue – 6 pieds sous terre / James Delargy (IRL) – Vanished – Harper Collins Noir / Benjamin Dierstein (F) – Un dernier ballon pour la route – Les Arènes/Equinox / Serguei Dounovetz (F) – Le marécage – Balland / Catherine Dufour (F) – Au bal des absents – Seuil / Catherine Fradier* (F) – Et nous aurons l’éternité – Au diable vauvert / Aymen Gharbi (TUN) – La ville des impasses – Asphalte / Romy Haussman (D) – Dear Child – Actes Sud / Cyril Herry (F) – Tempête Yonna – In8 / Caroline Hinault (F) – Solak – Rouergue noir / Marie-Christine Horn (CH) – Dans l’étang de feu et de soufre – BSN Press / Carine Joaquim (F) – Nos corps étrangers – La manufacture de livres / Hervé Lecorre* (F) – Traverser la nuit – Rivages/Noir / Yann Lespoux *(Fr) – Presqu’îles – Agullo/Court / Iain Levison (UK) – Parallax – Liana Levi / Lomig (Fr) – Dans la forêt – Sarbacane / Laurent Lolmède* (F) – Sous-bocks collection – Alain Beaulet éditeur / Jax Miller (USA) – Hell in the Heartland).
– Plon / Astrid Monet (F) – Soleil de cendres – Agullo / Michèle Pedinielli* (F) – La patience de l’immortelle – L’Aube/Noire / Laurent Queyssi (F) – Correspondant local – Filature(s)  / Jean-Christophe Tixier (F) – Effacer les hommes – Albin Michel + Guilty – Rageot / Alan Trotter (UK) – Muscle – Denoël / Olivier Truc (F) – Les chiens de Pasvik – Métailié / Thomas Verhille (F) – Ciao bitume – 6 pieds sous terre.

The authors invited to other events organised by the FIRN(promenades, workshops, residencies, meetings.
Mouloud Akkouche (F) – Donneur – In8 / Philippe Battaglia (CH) – La fête de la vicieuse – Le gore des Alpes / Lilian Bathelot (F) – C’est l’Inuit qui gardera le souvenir du blanc – Pocket / Hélène Couturier (F) – Trans Barcelona Express – Syros / Margaux Duseigneur(F) – De feuille en feuille – Thierry Magnier / Stéphanie Glassey (CH) – L’éventreuse – Le gore des Alpes / Chrysostome Gourio (F) – Dans les annales – Folies d’encre + Wilma la pampire – Sarbacane / Marin Ledun (F) – Leur âme au diable – Gallimard/Série noire / Antoine Marchalot (F) – Arbitraire / Michel Moatti (F) – Dog Island – Hervé Chopin éditions / Piergiorgio Pulixi (I) – L’île des âmes – Gallmeister / Eric Richer (F) – Tiger – Editions de l’Ogre / Caroline Sury (F) – Un matin avec Melle Latarte – Le Monte en l’Air / Pascal Thiriet(F) – Sois gentil tue-le – Jigal.
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Instagram @firnfrontignan
Rens. : 04 67 18 54 92 – 04 67 18 31 60
« Traduction Soleil Noir »

Programme complet FIRN 2021Plan FIRN 2021Programme complet FIRN 2021Les dernières actualités

Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay 🙂

FIRN 2020 in english
FIRN 2021 in english
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Présentation FIRN 2021
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FIRN Frontignan 34110 FRONTIGNAN

Ville de Frontignan :
+33 4 67 18 50 00

© Copyright – FIRN Frontignan – Enfold Theme by Kriesi


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